Alex the Alpaca
Alex is a research librarian. He spends his day managing and researching questions and projects with his company’s library team. Alex loves to spread the word about illumin, our research management system, which was his initial mission.
He first fell in love with illumin after he was struggling with losing work, repeating his work and generally spending too much time on the same work!
This caused him much stress and frustration – he wasted too much time on time-consuming reporting, unreliable reporting, poor request tracking systems … argh! … until he came across illumin!
Now Alex spends his days on what he loves, finding answers for his people, effortlessly getting statistics, creating meaningful reports and catching up for carrots and chai with Bob the Bibliographer.
You’d think that would be enough, but no. He decided Liberty, our library management system (LMS), deserved his attention as well and he does it with style.
Both Liberty and illumin combine the latest technology with ease of use. They will help you deliver the services needed, and your users expect. Trust me, I’m an alpaca.
We sat down for an exclusive interview with Alex! We talked to Alex and found out what it’s like in the day of the life of one of Softlink IC’s most important talents. Read more below.

Name: Alex the Alpaca
Title: Research Librarian
Loves: Green grass, apples, statistics, Boolean search queries, rose petals and carrots.
Hates: losing work, repeating himself, too many emails, llamas, haircuts.
What are the main responsibilities of your position?
Well, I mainly deal with spreading news about Softlink’s amazing products, illumin and Liberty!
But lately, I’ve been exploring other fields such as rapping, song writing, racing with my good friend Rob Otter and playing ping pong!
The latest rap I made was about my favorite parameters in Liberty, you should check it out here! Recently, I was even lucky enough to be included in the Liberty management panel, lucky me!
What are some of your favorite features of Liberty and illumin?
My favorite feature of Liberty has got to be search field backgrounds! There are so many amazing designs that I’ve seen from Liberty users, I just can’t wait to see what people will do with the full screen search fields planned for a future Liberty release!
By far my favorite feature of illumin is its integration with Liberty. Did you know that you could automatically transfer your Liberty borrowers into illumin, for FREE?!
You can also have your illumin knowledge base automatically imported into your Liberty system during housekeeping through integration, isn’t that so handy? We even have a solutions article which teaches you exactly how to integrate the two systems together, contact us here to find out more.
What sort of activities do you do outside of work?
Outside of work I do a lot of the same things that I do at work. I’ve started my own career in song writing and am striving to create my own YouTube channel and become famous! I may even upload some videos of me and my friends performing alpacapella!
Aside from song writing, I absolutely love going for a drive with my friend Rob Otter, we like to practice for our work drives that we do occasionally. I also LOVE to eat food! Grass and hay are some of my absolute favorites!
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